Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Marouane Laabbas El Guennouni

Graduate in Law and Labour Relations and Employment from University Rovira i Virgili (both with honours, 2019) and Master's degree in Environmental Law (with honours, 2021). He is currently a pre-doctoral researcher in Labour and Social Security Law, specifically in the field of environmental protection in labour relations. He has previously carried out research and research management tasks at the Learning and Research Resources Centre, the Department of Public Law, the Unit for the Promotion of Research, Innovation and Territorial Development (all of them connected to the URV) and a stay at the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg).

He has been awarded several grants, including the Fulbright-Schuman grant to carry out a 9-month research stay in the USA. He is a member of the editorial committee of the Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental and is part of the working team of the Project "El nuevo rol de la ciudadanía ante la justicia administrativa: la regulación y la implementación de la mediación como sistema de prevención y resolución de conflictos" (MEDAM) and the project "La responsabilidad del derecho del trabajo ante el cambio climático y la realización de una transición justa desde una perspectiva integrada de impacto mediambiental".